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The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), Australia’s leading independent authority on health care, has recognised the high quality care given to clients of the Haymarket Foundation by awarding re-accreditation through its EQuIP6 program until 2022.
The EQuIP6 program is a rigorous, client-focused program which measures how effective a health care organisation is in terms of patient care. “ACHS accreditation sends a clear message to the community that the Haymarket Foundation, its management and staff, are committed to excellence in client care with a strong and continuous focus on safety, quality and performance,” Haymarket CEO, Peter Valpiani said.
“I would like to thank everyone involved, but particularly our clients for their contribution, not only during the assessment and evaluation process, but also for their support and commitment to quality through continuing dialogue and improvement initiatives.
“By listening to and understanding our client’s unique care needs and expectations we have identified and carried out a broad range of quality improvement initiatives across all our programs and services.”
“Our clients deserve a high standard of care and we are pleased and proud that the Haymarket Foundation has been recognised for meeting this expectation.”
Accreditation is used by health care organisations to continuously improve the quality of care they deliver to the community. Organisations must demonstrate during either a three or four-year period how they have improved their services.
“The fact that the Haymarket Foundation has achieved ACHS re-accreditation is a strong recognition of everyone’s input into the accreditation process.”
The ACHS is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which has received international recognition for assessment and evaluation from the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and is responsible for accrediting the majority of health care organisations in Australia.
Pictured: Case Managers Tom and Martini with our certificate of accreditation