complex homelessness

LGBTI+ Sydney needs homelessness support


Experiencing homelessness in Sydney is challenging for anyone, but for Sydney’s LGBTI+ communities an extra layer applies to every decision you make for your safety and security. Research shows that LGBTI+ people in Australia are twice as likely to experience homelessness due to a mix of factors like family rejection, violence and discrimination. When seeking support from medical services, Centrelink,…

Supporting former rough sleepers to maintain tenancies and improve health and wellbeing


Neami National and the Haymarket Foundation are pleased to work in partnership to deliver the Sustaining Tenancy in Social Housing Program, a new initiative funded by the Department of Communities and Justice, which aims to prevent a large-scale return to homelessness. People who have a history of rough sleeping will receive extra support to maintain at-risk tenancies through the Sustaining…